

Scientific journal that accommodates students’ original research outcomes


Scientific journal that accommodates students’ original research outcomes


The journal accepts papers in all languages of EU.

Research papers containing any form of primary educational research may be submitted to the journal. The scope of the submitted work must be 8-10 pages (including bibliographic references).

It is important to mention that the research data of the primary research must be recent (within the last ten years).

All papers will be forwarded for anonymous (blind) peer review by a committee of two judges (peer reviewing), after the authors' details have been removed. For this reason, main texts should not contain references in a way that leads to the identification of any member of the writing team.

Reviewers' comments are shared anonymously with the authors. The outcome of the judgment may be the acceptance or rejection of the work, or its acceptance on the condition that the proposed corrections are made (which should be done within 15 days at the most and the final corrected work is resubmitted through the system in place of the original and not as a new work, so that it can be re-checked by the reviewers for the adoption or not of the proposed corrections). It is important that the corrections made by the author after the reviewers' comments are written in red in the text of the final paper submitted to the system.

It is also noted that:

  • Papers must be original and have not been published anywhere else in the same format and with the same content.
  • The responsibility for the content of each work rests solely with the author (or authors), who by submitting his work declares responsibly that no copyrights of third parties are infringed.

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Expression of interest to work as a reviewer in the scientific journal


The scientific journal Sustainology is an electronic journal that hosts standard student scientific articles.

Its aim is to be a platform for the publication of worthy works of students. Through this publication, the student community will share knowledge and experience, while developing soft skills such as respect for scientific research and self-evaluation.

To ensure the quality of the journal, it is necessary to evaluate the articles sent for publication. This project will be undertaken by a panel of reviewers. The reviewers will work anonymously and responsibly, with the sole aim of ensuring the correct capture of scientific thinking and avoiding plagiarism. They will also ensure the uniformity of the version.

The reviewers will receive a certificate for their work, both in printed form and in the form of a Digital Badge.

To register your interest as reviewers, fill in your details in the excel sheet shared below (fill in the sheet online)