School trips
In the nursery and primary school, school trips and excursions are closely linked to the educational objectives and to the program.
Therefore, they are obligatory.
- In P1- P2 school trips and excursions are only organised during the school day.
- In P3, P4 and P5 excursions during the school day are organised, as well as school trips for several days.
Insurance : B3-Assurance Voyage scolaire-Primaire-FR-EN
P3 : Nature classes – trip to Massembre
In the third year of primary, all P3 classes go together on a five day school trip to Massembre.
Massembre is a centre just outside the village of Heer, close to the French border.
During the day enjoyable educational activities are organised for the children within and outside the centre, such as creating weather stations, fossil hunting orlooking for animal traces.
There is also time for games, playtime and, on the very last evening of the stay, the children attend a party organised by the animators.
P4: Sports classes – trip to Blankenberge
In June, all 4th year primary classes take a school trip to Duinse Polders at Blankenberge.
The centre offers a beautiful outdoor area with a playground, mini-golf, fitness and basketball and football pitches.The P4 pupils spend 5 days enjoying different beach sports with the help of their teachers and a special animation-team. In addition, the classes visit Sea Life and the Zwin, a unique coastal nature reserve between Belgium and the Netherlands, and they take part in activities to discover the coastline.
These activities are linked to our Discovery of the World program, Physical Education and European Hours programmes and focus on maintaining ecosystems and environmental awareness.
P5: Language II trips
In the fifth year of primary, the school organises ‘second language trips’. Each pupil takes part in the trip corresponding to his/her LII language. The trips form part of the pedagogical projects in our school. The second language trips’ objectives are:
- to develop the child’s autonomy and social relationships within the group and outside of standard learning situations and through the 2nd language;
- to be open to the unknown and ready to accept different ways of life;
- to be ready to discover an environment, area, country, culture through a 2nd language in all the circumstances of everyday life;
- to reinforce the European spirit of the group and learning directly linked with the programs of Second language, Discovery of the World, European Hours and Ethics.
The end of primary school L2 trip gives the students their first real opportunityto use the language learnt during five days of English immersion. Students extend classwork: listening; speaking; reading and writing in English. The aim is to develop more understanding, confidence/fluency and motivation. The trip is closely linked to the work covered in Discovery of the world, European Hours and ethics/religion.
Please find below a short introduction to each of the trips.
- P5-L2 English trip
The trip is often the students’ first opportunity to apply the language they have learnt during a week of English immersion. Pupils deepen their classroom work: listening, speaking, reading and writing in English.
The aim is to develop greater understanding, confidence/fluency and motivation. The trip is closely linked to the Discovery of the World course, European Hours and the Ethics/Religion course.
The P5 L2 English trip will take place at PGL Marchants Hill, near London, UK.
Marchants Hill is PGL’s activity centre, offering a unique adventure centre experience.
During the trip, students will have the opportunity to try a range of activities, such as archery, fencing, orienteering and many more.
They will also have the chance to visit Hampton Court Palace and will be able to use the languages they learn in class in real-life situations.
- P5-L2 German trip
The LII German’s trip destination is Heidelberg, a historical town situated in Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany. During the five day trip, the pupils will stay in the new International Youthhostel close to the beautiful city center.
The children are offered a broad range of activities, such as a guided visit through the historical castle and trip with funicular railway will lead to a stunning view and a nice walking path on the top of the beautiful Königsstuhl. In close connection to the DDM curriculum, the group will visit the Klima Arena close by the city. The children will be able to visit the exhibition on world climate, natural reserves, sustainability and resource protection and join a workshop. In the spirit of environmental protection, the class will travel by train.
- P5-L2 French trip to Vielsalm, Belgium
The pupils of LII French are having their LII trip in the “Domaine de Farnières” in Vielsam, Belgium.
The castle of Farnières dominates a site of 43 hectares of parks, woods and meadows. During their stay children discover the nature reserve ‘Hautes Fagnes’, learn about its animal and plants and participate in the activities proposed by the centre.