Language certification
Language certification
As in the past years, our school will be offering language certification in English, French, German and Spanish.
You have been learning French/English/German/Spanish as your L2/L3/L4/L5 for quite a few years now. Maybe you are thinking of going abroad at some point to practice your language further, to study or to get some work experience (au-pair, internship).
Many of these positions that you are interested in will require some proof of your language level. The problem is: your school bulletin at the end of the year gives you a grade that is not internationally recognised.
Therefore, like last school year, we would like to offer you a standardised, internationally recognised certificate.
What language certificates do we offer?
We offer certificates on the following levels:
- German: B2
- French: B2
- Spanish: A2/B1 and B2
- English B2 and C1
The exams will be handled by the Goethe-Institut (German, Goethe-Zertifikat), the Alliance Française (French, DELF), the Instituto Cervantes (Spanish-DELE) and Zwiers Language Training (English, Cambridge Certificate).
Cambridge Certificate- Registration process
- EN- Cambridge_Registration process_2025
- FR- Cambridge_Modalités d’inscription_2025
- DE- Cambridge_Registration process_2025
DELF – Registration process
- Info inscription DELF 2025 FR version
- Info inscription DELF 2025 EN version
- Info inscription DELF 2025 ALL version