General questions
General information concerning the access (school location and useful information on public transport) can be found under: How to find us.
- School holiday
The school holiday calendar is available on the page Calendar and timetable.
Parents are reminded that, in accordance with the General Rules of the European schools, permission may not be granted for the week preceding or the week following school holiday periods or public holidays (except in cases of force majeure).
- The "nursery- primary - secondary" calendars
The calendars of the school activities for the nursery, primary and secondary cycle can be consulted on SMS MySchool (Please note: the platform is only accessible to the school community: pupils, parents, teachers).
All information on the enrolment in the European schools of Brussels is available on the page: Enrolments.
You did not yet receive your code/login for the access to SMS, or you can’t connect to the platform?
Please write an email to Ms Elisabeth Bedetti.
The nursery, primary and secondary cycles have (7) seven language sections:
- Sections : French (FR), English (EN), German (DE), Dutch (NL), Spanish (ES), Greek (EL), Czech (CS)
For more information, please consult the page: Languages and sections .
All information on the organisation of studies in the European schools can be found on the official web site of the Office of the Secretary-General of the European schools : https://www.eursc.eu/en/European-Schools/studies/studies-organisation . Please consult also the section "Pedagogical structure" of the school’s website, as well as the "Education" section of the nursery, primary and secondary cycles.
The canteen, transport and extracurricular activities are organized by the APEEE (the EEB3 parents' organization). For more information, please consult the APEEE’S website.
The European commission organizes paid after school childcare for children of the European institutions staff (from 4 to 12 years). It focuses on relaxation, fun, play, contact, and well-being. You can find all necessary information on the page After-school childcare (Garderie).
Nursery and Primary cycles
The school calendar of the nursery and primary cycle, which is regularly updated, is available on SMS – My Files.
Requests for school certificates can be sent by email to the secretariat of the nursery and primary school.
To inform the school about any changes concerning your contact details (change of address, phone number, etc. …) or changes concerning your family situation, please send an email to the following address: IXL-SMS-UPDATING@eursc.eu .
- In order to inform the school about your child’s absence, please inform the class teacher by email before 8h30 (copy to ixl-absences-nur@eursc.eu for nursery pupils and ixl-absences-prim@eursc.eu for primary pupils). From the third day of absence on, a medical certificate needs to be submitted to the class teacher via the agenda of your child.
- Any other kind of absence needs the prior approval of the Deputy Director. To ask for an absence authorization, please contact Mrs Hanne Schmidt, Deputy Director.
- In order to inform the school about your child’s absence, please inform the class teacher by email before 8h30 (copy to ixl-absences-nur@eursc.eu for nursery pupils and ixl-absences-prim@eursc.eu for primary pupils). From the third day of absence on, a medical certificate needs to be submitted to the class teacher via the agenda of your child.
If you want to inform us that your child will leave the school, please send the form “Pupils leaving at the end of the school year”, duly completed and signed by both parents/legal representatives by mail to Ms Elisabeth Bedetti.
You can find all necessary information on the page of the infirmary and in the document B3-INFORMATION - ACCIDENTS SCOLAIRES-FR.
Age requirement ( article 49 of the General Rules of the European Schools)
a) Pupils shall be admitted to the nursery school at the beginning of the school year, in September of the calendar year in which the child reaches four years of age.
b) Pupils shall be admitted to primary year 1 at the beginning of the school year, in September of the calendar year in which the child reaches six years of age.
Yes, the learning support policy.
Useful links :
Every year, school trips are organized for the P3 and P5 classes. For information about the trips, please consult the page “School trips".
The canteen, transport and after school activities are organized by the APEEE (the ESB3 parents' organization).
- For more information, please consult the APEEE’S website.
Please consult the page Lost & Found.
Secondary cycle
The school calendar of the secondary cycle, which is regularly updated, is available on SMS – My Files.
In order to obtain:
- a school attendance certificate, please send an email to : IXL-SECRETARY-SECONDARY@eursc.eu (secretariat of the secondary cycle).
- a certificate for the STIB (public transport), please bring your fully completed Stib form to the secretariat of the secondary cycle.
To inform the school about any changes concerning your personal data, please send an email to the following address:
If you want to inform us that your child will leave the school, please send the form “Pupils leaving at the end of the school year”, fully completed and signed by mail to Ms Elisabeth Bedetti.
Please consult the list of “Educational advisers”.
It’s a student card which you must have in your possession at all times. This card entitles you to discounts outside the school (theater, cinema, etc ...) It also mentions the possibilities of exit under certain conditions:
RED Card Concerns all pupils from S1 to S7 The holder is not allowed to leave the school under any conditions. ORANGE Card
Concerns all pupils from S1 to S7
This card allows you to leave the school during the lunch break only to go home for lunch. This card will only be provided to students living near the school. PINK Card Concerns pupils from S4 to S7 This card allows you to leave school during the lunch break and the hours immediately before or after it (only free periods in timetable) GREEN Card Concerns pupils from S6 to S7 The student may leave school when he / she does not have lessons. D: years 1 to 7 (the letter D will be added to the card chosen The pupil may leave the school TO RETURN HOME when the last lesson or lessons of the day will not take place In order to obtain a card, parents need to fill in and sign the exit card request form which the pupils receive with their copy of the School Rules at the beginning of the new school year. The form needs to be submitted to the educational adviser at the beginning of the school year.
Please note:
- If the pupil forgets his/her exit card, he/she needs to contact the coordinator of his/her level in order to ask him a special authorization.
- If he/she repeatedly forgets the card or can’t contact the coordinator, he/she can’t leave the school until the end of the school day.
As soon as you get back to school, you must give your pedagogical adviser a written excuse-note for your absence.
- 1 or 2 days of absence: a parental note or a medical certificate.
- 3 or more days of absence: a medical certificate.
NOTE : The medical certificate, the email or the letter from your parents must be given to the pedagogical adviser on the second day of absence. If you bring it any later, it will not be accepted.
Absences during the Exams and the B Tests can only be justified by a medical certificate.
For further information, please consult the page Absences
The page questions and answers provides a lot of useful information about the school life in the secondary cycle.
- Only go to your locker before the beginning of classes and during the breaks.
- Leave any valuable objects at home or in your locker.
- Take off your mobile phone, IPod, etc. during the lessons, in the Study Room, in the Library and in the Cantine.
- Hand in the explanation for your absence on the second day of your absence at the latest, otherwise the explanation cannot be accepted.
- Go to the Study Room (A16) if your teacher doesn’t show up in class (s1, s2, s3).
- Go to the Relaxation Room E3 (Amphi) if you have a free lesson during the day so that you can choose where you want to go (s1, s2, s3) : Study room, Relaxation Room B05,Library or Cafeteria.
- Go to the Relaxation Rooms S4 – S5 or S6 – S7, to the Library, to the Study room, to the café, to the playground if there isn’t a Gym lesson taking place there, or leave the school grounds if your school card allows you to when you have a free period in your timetable.
- Don’t walk along the corridors or stay in the halls during the free time.
- If you are going to consume food go to the café, to the canteen or to the hall of the canteen.
- If you have to leave school during the lessons bring a note from your parents in advance in order to get permission.
- Speak to your pedagogical advisor if you have lost or forgotten your exit card.
- Do not bring your own footballs on to the school premises.
- Photographs and videos must not be taken on the school grounds.
- Do not play truant, otherwise:
- your exit card will be taken from you immediately
- you will have a detention
- you will have a second detention and a warning letter from the director
- you will have to appear before the Discipline Council
Note: truancy refers to isolated periods of absence from lessons during the day which cannot be reasonably explained and are not expressly authorised by the pedagogical advisor or the director of the school. Arriving at a lesson 5 or more minutes late on 3 occasions will count as one absence which is not reasonably justified.
Please check the page Options choices - useful information
Yes, the learning support policy.
For further information please consult the page "Learning support" on the school’s website, the page educational support on the website of the Office of the Secretary-General of the European schools, aswell as the document
Yes. All the necessary information is available on the pages Useful information and FAQ School trips.
Ask Mrs Maffucci (secretary ) in office B14 for a form to fill in.
- Small items (keys, watches, etc…) are given to the Assistant Deputy director of the secondary cycle - Room C116.
- All other objects are in the “Study Room” (open every day from 8.30 until 16.10).
- Lost objects, unclaimed before the summer holidays, are automatically given to charities.
You can find all necessary information on the page of the infirmary and in the document B3-INFORMATION - ACCIDENTS SCOLAIRES-FR/EN
The canteen, transport and after school activities are organized by the APEEE (the EEB3 parent’s organization).
For more information, please consult the APEEE’S website.
The school psychologist in charge for the secondary cycle and the educational advisers of each level are at your disposal. Do not hesitate to contact them.
How ?
- You can make an appointment with the school psychologist - Administration building - level 0, next to the infirmary) - phone: 02/629.47.73
- You can leave a note under the door of the psychologists room or her/his the letter box.
- You can ask your educational advisors.