Arts education

Pedagogical approach

Arts education  in the European schools focuses on the Visual Arts and occupies a fundamental place in the pedagogical system:

  • It contributes to the knowledge of a visually complex, international environment  by exploring the processes of perception, reflection and interpretation.
  • Practical and theoretical work in the art class is done on the basis of communication and tolerance and supports an education whose aim is to educate the students to become free, active and social citizens.
  • By using examples from art history, students learn about art as a language being based on cultural, social, political and individual backgrounds. The discovery and awareness of the richness of Europe’s cultural heritage aims to strengthen support for European values.

Finally, arts education develops creative thinking and the indirect approach in all areas that the student chooses to explore, and this ability will permeate all the disciplines taught at school.


Educational program 

The arts education course is compulsory in the Secondary cycle, in first, second and third year. It becomes optional in the following years. Teaching is provided in the three main languages of the European Union (French, English and German).

In S1, S2 and S3 the students are introduced to the art elements and methods of application in a structured way and are guided to develop their art work, whose subject is often decided by the teacher. In this way they develop the dexterity and skills necessary to use different techniques, equipment and materials.

In S4 and S5 the students can now be given more room to experiment, explore and develop their own solutions with less guidance from the teacher. They must learn how to document and present this development process as part of their solution. This approach will require more personal responsibility and autonomy of the students and should enable them to achieve their full potential.

Various plastic examples from different media are presented in order to awaken students to the possibility of using other techniques and offering them new sources of inspiration. The integration of theory and practice is indispensable.

Classroom work is thematic and develops around themes from the following five main areas: the human figure, the environment, still life, abstraction and dreams.

Local galleries, libraries and museums offer the unique opportunity to investigate and exploit selected themes.

In S6 and S7 the 4 period option art courses are a valuable opportunity for students to develop their individual creative potential through personal research and investigation and through the project-based practical work.

The content is based on a theme chosen from the proposals sent in from the all art teachers of S6/7 in the European schools.