Music education

Pedagogical approach

Music not only plays an important role in our students’ lives but also in everyday life at the European School Brussels III.

In agreement with the pedagogical principles of the educational system of the European schools, music lessons are mainly taught in the vehicular languages. Activity-based lessons help students connect with peers with different cultural backgrounds.

Experienced music teachers help our students understand the inner workings of the music they like and the music they are encouraged to learn more about. We try to inspire them to engage with contemporary and historical music, arts, and culture. Only through contrasting historic and contemporary musical perspectives is it possible to understand one’s own musical identity.

Musical activities help our students develop learning strategies and have the power to increase their self-esteem. Combining cognitive and emotional aspects of learning encourages personal expression, reflection, and emotional development.


Educational program

Music education is a mandatory subject in S1–S3 and is mostly taught in mixed-language groups. It is an optional subject in S4 & S5 (more monolingual), and can be chosen  as a BAC-relevant, 4-hour course in S6 & S7.

There are a variety of different settings in which our students can discover their musical talents (in-class rehearsals and performances, solo or group; after school programs, solo or group) and present them to an audience (in class, during the Music Break, in performances for staff members, at the EEB3’s New Year’s Concert, the Gala Concert, the Spring Fest, etc.).

Music theory and music history play an important role in guiding our students to become better performers and composers. Regardless of age, musical experience, or cultural background, students are given opportunities to find ways music can enrich their lives and help them deal with the challenges of school and everyday life.