Questions & answers

Please check the page Educational advisers.

Please check the page Middle management.

You must tell your year coordinator immediately!

It’s a student card which you must have in your possession at all times. This card entitles you to discounts outside the school (theater, cinema, etc...) It also mentions the possibilities of exit under certain conditions:


RED Card Concerns all pupils from S1 to S7 The holder is not allowed to leave the school under any conditions.



Concerns all pupils from S1 to S7

This card allows you to leave the school during the lunch break only to go home for lunch. This card will only be provided to students living near the school.
PINK Card Concerns pupils from S4 to S7 This card allows you to leave school during the lunch break and the hours immediately before or after it (only free periods in timetable)
GREEN Card Concerns pupils from S6 to S7 The student may leave school when he / she does not have lessons.
D: years 1 to 7 (the letter D will be added to the card chosen) The pupil may leave the school TO RETURN HOME when the last lesson or lessons of the day will not take place


Your parents have to fill in a form asking for the card. You will get this form with your copy of the School Rules at the beginning of the new school year. The form must be signed by your parents. You should give this form to your pedagogical adviser as soon as you can.

Ask Mrs Maffucci (secretary ) in office B14 for a form to fill in.

You can obtain information from M. Materna in the Administration block, level 0.

Information:  02/211.40.04

There certainly is! These rules are necessary for the smooth running of the school. They are called “LIVING TOGETHER”. The document is published on the Policies and Rules page of school’s website. You have to know it and respect it. A summary is available in your agenda and your form teacher will talk about it at the beginning of the school year. If there is anything that you don't understand, feel free to ask questions.

If you want to talk to an adult, you can talk to the school psychologist. They can help you in the following ways:

- They can help you to understand a situation better

- They can share your worries

- You can express your personal or academic difficulties to her.

Members of the school psychological service will not tell anyone else about what you tell them and they have all been trained in guidance. Nothing you tell them will ever be used against you in a Disciplinary Council.

  • You can contact the school psychologist directly (Administration Building level 0, beside the Infirmary)
  • By putting a note in the letter box or slipping it under the door.
  • By contacting your pedagogical adviser who will contact the psychologist for you.
  •  Information: 02/62.47.73.

Roller-skates, skateboards and scooters are not allowed at school for safety reasons. Mobile phones are tolerated but must be switched off during lessons, in the study rooms and in the canteen (or will be confiscated).

Please note: The school declines all responsibility if possessions are stolen.

Photographs and video must not be taken within the school grounds.

Only in the recreation areas, only during breaks, only with permission and with balls borrowed from the P.E. teachers.

For safety reasons, secondary pupils cannot bring their own balls or go to the Primary Yard or to the parking area during the school day.

Every class elects a class representative and a deputy. This is an important role, as the pupil speaks for their class. They will have to attend meetings which are organized from time to time by the Director, the coordinator, the pedagogical adviser, the Pupils’ Committee… They will have to transmit information to the class and to tell the Management and the Pupils’ Committee what the class thinks about certain matters. They will have to transmit information to the class and to tell the Management and the Pupils’ Committee what class thinks about certain matters. They will have regular contacts with the pedagogical adviser for his class

You have to tell the P.E. teacher and give him or her a medical certificate which will allow you to be exempted from sporting activity for a fixed period. Nevertheless, you must be present at the beginning of the lesson and follow the teacher’s orders.

If you use the school bus, you will be given a lateness coupon which you give to your teacher. If you make your own way to school and you are late, you must still go to class and it is up to your teacher to decide whether your delay has to be reported. In this case, a note written and signed by your parents must be given to the pedagogical adviser the following day at the latest.

Please note: Late arrival must be rare, not systematic. If it happens regularly, punishment could be possible.

You can leave the school during the day for family reasons or for medical reasons, e.g. consultation with a doctor or dentist.

To do this, you must provide a note written by your parents or your doctor for your pedagogical adviser.

You can contact your pedagogical adviser to ask for special permission to leave the school.

Please note: If this happens again, or if you can’t find your pedagogical adviser, you will not be able to leave school until the end of the school day.

Contact Mr Messina at Office B14.

As soon as you get back to school, you must give your pedagogical adviser a written excuse-note for your absence.

• 1 or 2 days of absence: a parental note or a medical certificate.

• 3 or more days of absence: a medical certificate.

Please note: The medical certificate, the email or the letter from your parents must be given to the pedagogical adviser on the second day of absence. If you bring it any later, it will not be accepted.

Absences during the Exams and the B Tests can only be justified by a medical certificate.

If you are in S1, S2, or S3: When a teacher does not show up in class, you go to the study room (A16) to work or read calmly.

If you are in classes 4 to 7: When a teacher does not show up in class, you can chose whether to go to the Salle de détente,  the cafeteria or the library.


If you have a free hour in your timetable, you must go to the Amphitheatre E3 and you can ask the pedagogical adviser for permission to go to the Study Room, to the library, to the Salle de détente or to the Cafeteria if you have a free hour in your timetable (S1, S2, S3).

If you are in years 4 to 7, you can choose whether to go to the Salle de détente , the Cafeteria or to the Library.


You must go to the Infirmary where you will be looked after. Only the Infirmary Staff can let you go home, and only if they think it necessary.

You can go to Study Room A16, the entrance of the Cantine or the hall of the gym. If it’s a valuable item, you can ask the Principal Pedagogical Adviser, Mrs. Cadenas, in A15.

You must ask the Principal pedagogical adviser in A15 for permission and pay the insurance (5,00 €). The school does not allow visits during the months of September, December and June and the maximum visit permitted is two days.

You can take the lift for health reasons. You must have written permission from your parents or a doctor which you will give to the Principal pedagogical adviser.

For very serious reasons, a member of the School Staff can decide to give you a detention. Your parents will receive a mail from the School explaining this punishment and stating the date, the time and the place where it will be carried out. It will consist of written work given by the teacher or a general task. You must present the mail signed by your parents to the pedagogical adviser who is in charge of the detention.

Please note: A copy of the detention and its reasons will be kept in your school file. After several detentions, a Council of Discipline may be held to decide on more severe punishments.

Kind of DOCUMENT Person concerned
Absence note-medical certificate Pedagogical adviser
Medical consultation Pedagogical adviser
Return of detention letter Pedagogical adviser in charge of detention
Letter for the Direction  

Secondary secretariat -Mme Guichard (B18)

Certificate of study
Option  choice form Your coordinator
Insurance form after an accident School Nurse
Students card with photo Pedagogical adviser
Request for Canteen Card Canteen Office-pupils
Request for cafeteria card
Extra-curricular forms Mr  Materna Canteen building - Level 0
Request for locker Mr Messina Office B14


I have a problem Who can help?
About the school bus Mrs Callens / Mrs Jarvis  - 02/211.40.03 - 04
With my locker Mr Messina Office – B14 – 02/629.47.09
Of a personal nature Your pedagogical adviser, the Principal Pedagogical adviser, your class teacher, the psychologist, any teacher.
Family problems Your pedagogical adviser, the Principal pedagogical adviser , the psychologist.
With tobacco or drugs The Principal pedagogical adviser, the psychologist
With a school subject See your subject teacher and ask their advice.
Theft, bullying, mugging Your form teacher, your pedagogical adviser.
Work methods Your pedagogical adviser, the teachers, the psychologist.
Various information, urgent questions Your pedagogical adviser


To contact the school psychologists (Mrs Nimax and Mrs Genicot):

  • You can go to their office beside the Infirmary, Canteen building Level 0
  • You can ask your pedagogical adviser to get in touch with them.
  • You can phone them on 02/629.47.73.
  • You can leave a note in their  letter-box.